Monday, June 15, 2009


People always say not to get rid of your baby items until you are 100% sure that you aren't going to have any more children. Derick and I thought we were at that point and gave away all of our baby items. Well, needless to say, we aren't done yet...we are expecting our third child on February 1, 2010. We were very surprised by the news, but also excited about this new life! I am at the "all day sickness stage" and am looking forward to the next stage. I still have blood pressure issues which puts me at a "high-risk" pregnancy so I ask for your prayers during this pregnancy.
Logan and Dawson are very excited about having a baby sister or brother. Logan says that he will help out in every way possible, except changing stinky diapers! Too cute! Dawson is excited about being a big brother for the first time.


  1. Congratulations! It must have been being around Maggie Beth, tee hee! Made you all secretly desire another baby! :) I am really excited for you all, Logan and Dawson are so sweet to Maggie Beth I know that they will love their new baby very much. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Do you have a OB here yet? I went to the MIMA group with Bouche, Kelley, Salup, and Benezra and 3 of the 4 delivered my babies! They were great! YEAH JENKINS! God has truly blessed you!

  2. So happy for you guys! Keep me updated on how everything goes, and you will most definitely be in my prayers!

    Love you guys!

  3. Gotta tell you...I am praying for a little hair and curls...but, know another boy will be special should God send us one. I am so excited about the baby...I LOVE babies...and I am very excited about my trip to see you in July. Love you bunches, praying daily for you, Sharon... Mom/Granny

  4. I am very happy for you guys and hope that I will get to be a part of the new blessing's life.
